Sadjad Engineering and Electronics Company is a knowledge-based company located next to Sadjad University in Mashhad. With over 30 years of experience, this company provides engineering and consulting services to various urban and industrial centers. It designs and manufactures electronic products and also creates and sells technical knowledge. In recent years, relying on its internal technical capabilities, the company has focused on producing various products in the field of AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) systems. Some of the company's products include RadyabS vehicle trackers, Sipad (in Persian) system (national plan for equipping urban transport with navigation system), smart traffic fleet monitoring system (Sepahtan in Persian), online monitoring system for solar power plants (Samanir in Persian), and digital power meter reading modem.
Director of Information and Communication Technology Center: Ms. Somayye Eslami
Sadjad University computer center began its activities in 1997. At the beginning, the center's activities mainly focused on developing the required software and providing students with different services. Gradually, with the mechanization of the educational departments, the executive affairs of software systems were delegated to the relevant departments. Currently, in order to create a comprehensive mechanized system, the computer center, having eight computer sites, is engaged in its main mission which includes analyzing, designing, and maintaining the required software and hardware systems for the university, as well as providing hardware support, disseminating information, and supporting educationally.
Services provided
Different units in this center include:
- Network unit
• Internal university network connection to national Intranet on optical fiber with dedicated bandwidth
• Maintenance and development (hardware and software) of Internet and internal network
• Maintenance and updating of hardware and software for 24 servers and 32 services, including:
• Web-based administrative automation
• Web-based food automation
• Web-based attendance automation
• Internal download system (leecher) for nighttime use of network bandwidth
• Linux repository system
• Professors' and students' profile server
• Dynamic (Pooya) automation system for non-educational activities of university members (it is developing)
• FTP server with free access and software download from internal university network
• Implementation and expansion of wireless network in all administrative and educational buildings of the university
• Implementation of wireless network in all floors and rooms of Andisheh Sadjad High School with suitable quality
• Server monitoring system - switches and network bandwidth.
- Hardware and software unit
The task of this unit is to maintain and optimize approximately 300 computer systems, including five 30-seat computer labs, two 70-seat Internet halls, and the systems of faculty members and employees.
• Maintenance and updating the university website at in two languages
• Provision of email accounts for all students and professors
• Maintenance and updating sub-portals:
• Faculties
• University library repository
• National programming competition website EXPERT (5 editions)
• Competition websites
• University conferences
• GNU-Linux repository server
• University Leecher system
• University email service
• Non-educational automation system
• Phone number search engine with the ability to create personal phone books
- Committees and councils
• Information Technology Council: Currently, the Computer Center seeks assistance from the Information Technology Council in making major decisions. Its first session was held on September 7, 2006 under the chairmanship of the university president.
• Software Committee: The committee, under the supervision of the information technology manager, works to guide and update resident software.
List of computer websites and laboratories
• Graphic software laboratory
• Algorithm design
• Database laboratory
• Principles of simulation
• Machine language and assembly
• Advanced programming 1
• Computer hardware
• Multimedia environments•
• Operating systems laboratory
• Operating system workshop
• Network laboratory
• Internet engineering
• Language theory
• Web page design
• Advanced programming 2
• Web-based Programming
• Software Engineering Lab
• Data Structures
• MATLAB Programming Workshop
• Advanced Topics
• Power System Analysis Lab
• Introduction to MATLAB
• Power System Investigation Lab
• Computer Fundamentals and Programming
• Computer Applications in Urban Planning
• Computer Applications in Architecture
• Computer Applications in Industries
• Computer Design and Construction
• Geographic Information Systems
• Industrial Mapping 2
• Architectural Expression 3
• Administrative Software Lab
• Hardware Programming
• Data Mining
• System Programming
• Computer Programming
• Mobile Programming 1 and 2
• System Analysis and Decomposition
• Research Methodology in Biomedical Engineering
• Mobile Development Software
• Internet of Things
• Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
• Computer and Programming Workshop
• Mobile Software Development
• Network Workshop
• Special Topics in Programming
• Advanced Programming Workshop
• AutoCAD Training
• MATLAB Training
• Jewelry Design
Persons in charge:
Ms. Somaye Eslami
Director of Information and Communication Technology Center
MSc. in computer engineering
Tel: +98(051)36029000 (ex. 152)
Mr. Pouria Purhosseini
Expert of the Information and Communication Technology Center
Tel: +98(051)36029000 (ex.: 179)
Sadjad University established the Open Learning Center (OLC) in 2017. One of the main objectives of this center is to hold short-term, needs-based educational courses in response to the high demands of the working community in the industry. Another objective of the OLC is to conduct organizational courses for governmental and non-governmental organizations.
In addition to short-term courses arranged by OLC in various fields of engineering and non-engineering sciences in which a large number of enthusiasts have participated in, numerous organizational courses have been managed for governmental and non-governmental organizations such as the Khorasan Razavi Engineering Organization, Khorasan Razavi Governorate, and Mashhad Municipality. These collaborations are on an upward trend.
It is worth noting that the OLC has good communication and interaction with other reputable educational institutions at the provincial level such as: Technical and Vocational Organization, Academic Jihad, Ferdowsi University College, etc.
It is noteworthy that the OLC is currently active as the Technical and Vocational Organization's Training Management and Counseling (TMC) Center. Many of the courses held according to technical and vocational standards allow participants to receive a nationally recognized certificate from the Technical and Vocational Organization of the country after passing the final exam.
Director of Industry and Community Relations Office: Dr. Hadi Kalani
Expert of Industry and Community Relations Office: Mr. Mohammad Bayat
Previous directors of the Industry Relations Office:
• Ms. Sommaye Eslami - 2003-2016
• Dr. Ebrahim Rezaei Nik - 2016-2021
In line with establishing logical and sustainable communication between the capacities of the university and the needs of various sectors of the society (industrial, service, etc.), and promoting scientific and technological achievements, the Industry Relations Office of Sadjad University has been active since 2003 as one of the offices under the supervision of the vice-president for research and technology of the university.
Currently, the activities of this office focus on three areas: internships, demand-oriented research projects, and applied theses. It collaborates closely with other centers of the research and Sadjad Research Center.
Counseling center is a place for providing individual and group psychological services. The professionals at this center share their scientific and practical experiences with visiting students in private sessions and in a free atmosphere while adhering to the principles of confidentiality. The topics often discussed in these sessions include guidance in academic, professional, marital, and family areas. The professionals address the students' issues using different approaches such as cognitive therapy, psychotherapy, and psychiatry.
The counseling center is located in building number 2 within the Student Affairs department. In this center, the psychometrist and psychologist are present.
The counseling center provides individual counseling services. If someone is concerned about various issues, such as the following, they can solve their problem through consulting with a counselor:
• Lack of awareness about study methods and curriculum planning.
• Adaptation to a new environment
• Decline or academic failure
• Problems in interpersonal relationships
• Family issues
• Insomnia and loss of appetite
• Stress and related problems
• Boredom and feeling sad most of the time, day and night
For in-person counseling, please visit the section on professionals' presence.
Actions taken by this center during the year include:
• Needs assessment of students and providing questionnaires to each of them.
• Monthly distribution of the "Counseling Message" brochure for free among students in dormitory and university containing information for their awareness
• Conducting educational workshops to improve the mental health of students. Announcements regarding these workshops are posted in the university and students can voluntarily participate in them.
• Providing individual counseling services at the counseling office located in building number 2 on the university campus.
What happens in a counseling session?
Every counseling session involves two parties: the one providing counseling is called the counselor, and the one receiving counseling is referred to as the client. The client may have regular meetings with a specialized counselor. During these meetings, the client can talk about any topic of interest with the counselor. If the client encounters difficulties in communicating with the counselor, the counselor will help them overcome those challenges.
The goal of counseling is to facilitate new and more adaptive learning that replaces previous learning experiences. Counselors possess theoretical and professional knowledge in eliminating undesirable habits and behaviors, as well as strengthening adaptive behavioral patterns. All you need to do is to take the first step to discover the supportive power of counselors.
Ethical standards require counselors to be trustworthy, confidential, and empathetic in order to provide their services in the best possible way. Mutual trust and confidence are the cornerstones of good and human relationships. Therefore, confidentiality is a crucial aspect of counseling, meaning that any discussion about a particular issue between you and the counselor will remain confidential.
Name and expertise of active consultants at the counseling center of Sadjad University:
1) Dr. Maryam Ghzaei (Director of counseling center), Ph.D. in Psychology, Time of presence: Wednesday, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Tel: +9805136029000 (Ex: 201).
2) Dr. Mehdi Taheri, Ph.D. in Psychology, Time of presence: Monday, 10 a.m. to 14 p.m.
Introduction of the Center
Creating employment opportunities for graduates in all fields, ranging from art and humanities to basic sciences, experimental sciences, medical sciences, and engineering, is of great importance in the development of the country. However, among these, engineering education has a key significance. This is because graduates of engineering disciplines directly and immediately respond to the society's needs after completing their educational courses, and the activities of each of these graduates can be considered as a small step in the path of sustainable development of the country.
Sadjad University began its work in the field of engineering in 1995 with the efforts of experienced professors from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad and with a clear background in scientific, technical, and practical experience. Since then, numerous talented and motivated young individuals from all over the country have pursued engineering studies in various disciplines at this university, thanks to the efforts of managers, professors, and dedicated staff members. With this relatively long-standing history, wherever we look in the country, we will find positive outcomes from the graduates of Sadjad University, which is a source of pride and honor.
Considering the recent change in the country's population pyramid and the large number of young engineers seeking employment, as well as the changing needs and macro policies of the country in higher education and the natural shift of young people's inclinations toward new disciplines, the number of applicants for engineering studies has decreased across the country. In addition, the increasing specialization of existing sciences and technologies and the constant emergence of new fields, areas, and applications make it difficult for engineering graduates, even if they have received high quality education, to easily find a suitable role as skilled and up-to-date workforce in the industry. For this reason, and in response to these new needs, Sadjad University has decided to establish a center under the title of "Career Guidance and Job Placement Center". Considering the insufficient number of specialized job placement and skills training centers at the provincial level, the goal of establishing this center is to fulfill the social responsibility of the university for the employment of graduates and to transform and impact society, industry, and move toward becoming a fourth generation university.
Center's Duties:
• Providing specialized services to employers for the process of recruiting workforce
• Informing job seekers about job opportunities announced by employers
• Identifying skill-enhancing courses in various fields and collaborating with the University's Open Learning Center to define the courses
• Referring unskilled job seekers to the University's Open Learning Center
• Organizing apprenticeship and internship programs for students
•Providing specialized career counseling and job market services to students and graduates
• Providing comprehensive specialized job placement services through the system
• Collaborating with science and technology park and technical and vocational centers to develop skill training courses according to the needs of the job market
• Organizing public job fair and employment conferences with the presence of entrepreneurs, industrialists, and successful graduates
• Creating opportunities for students to familiarize themselves with successful business models in their field of expertise
• Organizing periodical university job fair and related events to introduce companies' job positions
• Organizing competitions for project and idea proposals
Regulations and rules
Employers and respected job owners can proceed to register job advertisements and request required workforce by completing the form through the following link.
Jobseekers, including students, graduates, and other job seekers, can register and provide their information for introduction and employment in organizations and industrial units through the link below:
Related links
• Ministry of Science, Research and Technology
• Ministry of Cooperatives, Labour and Social Welfare
• Office of Workforce Guidance and Employment of the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labour, and Social Welfare
• National System of Internship (Iran's Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology)
• Internship System (Ministry of Cooperatives, Labour, and Social Welfare)
• University Open Learning Center
Contact information
University Job Placement Offices:
• Industry Relations Office, Sadjad University, Building No. 1, 3rd floor, Mashhad, Iran
• Sadjad University, Building No. 1, Ground floor (next to the cafeteria)
Direct phone number: +9805136029313
University extension phone number: 122
The Central Library of Sadjad University currently has over 19067 printed Persian books, over 2651 printed Latin books, and 38000 electronic books (available for online download) in specialized areas of electrical engineering, computer science, civil engineering, industrial engineering, architecture, and biomedical engineering. It also has publications such as Shabakeh Monthly, Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Monthly, Nano Technology Monthly, Electric Age, Amvaj-e-Bartar, Construction Monthly, Foundry Industry, Tadbir, Architect Bi-Monthly, Web, Civil Engineering and Mechanics Journal of Amirkabir, International Journal of Engineering, Scientia Iranica, and Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journals. These journals are available on-site for the use of esteemed students.
Connecting to the electronic library
Documents and forms
• Request form for books and journal membership
• Access to articles for professors and master's students
• Visual guide to downloading articles from Gigalib
• Steps for delivering master's theses to Sadjad University Library
Book news
Electronic Library
The collection of electronic books at Sadjad Industrial University includes thousands of electronic book titles in various specialized subjects for the use of university students. Information related to these collections and how to access them is as follows:
1. KAD Collection (Academic E-Books): This collection includes over 24,000 electronic books (in Latin) in the following specialized subjects:
Fields: Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Industries, Metallurgy, Civil Engineering, Nanotechnology, Mathematics and Statistics, Management and Economics, Architecture, Chemistry, Physics, English language
Number of above mentioned Books: 2700, 6800, 1600, 500, 1200, 400, 3600, 3000, 400, 1300, 2200, 500
The files of these books are not downloadable. To read and use this collection, you can use the computers embedded in the library for this purpose.
2- Collection of Engineering E-books: This collection includes 3000 titles of mainly English books in the fields of electrical engineering, industrial engineering, and computer engineering. File format of this collection is .pdf and it is accessible and downloadable online within the university.
American College of Physicians |
American Dental Association |
American Diabetes Association |
American Economic Association (AEA) |
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) |
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences |
American Institute of Physics (AIP) |
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education |
American Mathematical Society (AMS) |
American Meteorological Society |
American Physical Society (APS) |
American Physical Therapy Association |
American Physiological Society |
American Phytopathological Societ |
ACM digital library |
Akademiai Kiado |
American Academy of Pediatrics |
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) |
British Medical Journals (BMJ) |
Cambridge Journals |
IEEE Xplore |
Nature Publishing Group |
Oxford Journals |
Springer (journals & books) |
Taylor and Francis |
Sciencedirect (Elsevier journals & books) |
Cambridge Journals |
Academic Journals |
Libraries |
Other cases
• Access to the electronic library
• Library system user guide
• Library regulations
• Complete list of new books
• List of publications by the university publishing center in the 34th Tehran International Book Fair
Sadjad University laboratories have been operating since 1996 with the aim of providing educational and research services to researchers and students. Due to the presence of multiple specialized laboratories and providing standard and accurate equipment, this university has always endeavored to cover various research and laboratory areas of engineering. It takes steps toward fulfilling the scientific and laboratory needs of researchers. Currently, the laboratories of this university are ready to present all laboratory courses and provide research and scientific services with their precise and standard equipment. The main activities which are done to improve working in these laboratories are the following ones:
1- Preparing appropriate instructions for each laboratory and workshop and their continuous review
2- Supervising the proper performance of laboratory instructors for better organization of the laboratories
3- Updating laboratory equipment according to changes in the curriculum and providing new laboratory equipment
At the present time, over 250 laboratory groups under more than 50 titles are offered to faculties of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering, Computer and Information Technology Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, Civil, Architecture and Urban Engineering each semester. The laboratories are presented with a capacity of 16 individuals (8 groups of 2 people). The area of these laboratories ranges from 42 to 102 square meters. The existing laboratories are introduced in the following table.
Area (m2) |
Name |
No. |
48 |
Physics Laboratory 1 |
1 |
42 |
Physics Laboratory 2 |
2 |
47 |
Circuit Laboratory 1 |
3 |
47 |
Electric Circuits Laboratory |
4 |
47 |
Electric Circuits and Measurement Laboratory |
5 |
47 |
Electronic Circuits Laboratory |
6 |
48 |
Electronics Laboratory |
7 |
48 |
Electronics Laboratory 1 |
8 |
48 |
Electronics Laboratory 2 |
9 |
48 |
Analog Electronics Laboratory |
10 |
48 |
Electronic Circuits Laboratory |
11 |
Digital Electronics Laboratory |
12 |
42 |
Industrial Electronics Laboratory |
13 |
48 |
Telecommunication Circuit Laboratory |
14 |
48 |
Pulse and Digital Circuits Laboratory |
15 |
Interface Circuits Laboratory |
16 |
48 |
Logical Circuits Laboratory |
17 |
Linear Integrated Circuits Laboratory |
18 |
48 |
Computer Architecture Laboratory |
19 |
Logical Circuits and Architecture Laboratory |
20 |
Computer-Aided Design Tools Laboratory |
21 |
47 |
Logical Circuits Laboratory |
22 |
48 |
Microprocessor Laboratory |
23 |
Microprocessor Laboratory |
24 |
48 |
Digital Systems Laboratory 1 |
25 |
48 |
Digital Systems Laboratory 2 |
26 |
48 |
Linear Control Systems Laboratory |
27 |
Digital Control Systems Laboratory |
28 |
Industrial Control Laboratory |
29 |
102 |
Electric Machines Laboratory |
30 |
102 |
Electric Machines Laboratory 1 |
31 |
102 |
Electric Machines Laboratory 2 |
32 |
51 |
Fundamentals of Electricity Laboratory |
33 |
48 |
Physiology Laboratory |
34 |
Biological and Biocompatibility Testing Laboratory |
35 |
General Hospital Equipment Laboratory |
36 |
75 |
Fluid Mechanics Laboratory |
37 |
75 |
Heat Transfer Laboratory |
38 |
42 |
Dynamics and Vibrations Laboratory |
39 |
45 |
Precise Instrument Laboratory |
40 |
75 |
Thermal Operations Laboratory |
41 |
42 |
Mechanical Properties Laboratory |
42 |
75 |
Metallography Laboratory |
43 |
75 |
Advanced Materials Laboratory |
44 |
70 |
Soil Mechanics Laboratory |
45 |
81 |
Freezing Laboratory |
46 |
100 |
Concrete and Materials Laboratory |
47 |
42 |
Materials Strength Laboratory |
48 |
70 |
Hydraulic Laboratory |
49 |
48 |
Chemistry Laboratory |
50 |
48 |
Project Room |
51 |
48 |
Internet of Things Laboratory |
52 |
42 |
General Hospital Equipment and Medical Clinics Laboratory |
53 |
42 |
Thermodynamics Laboratory |
54 |
Educational Workshops
Name |
Area (m2) |
Electricity Workshop |
51 |
General Workshop |
51 |
Fundamentals of Electronics Workshop |
48 |
AutomechanicWorkshop |
46 |
Welding Workshop |
50 |
General Workshop |
81 |
Mechanics Workshop |
81 |
Machine Tool Workshop 1 |
81 |
Machine Tool Workshop 2 |
81 |
Architecture and Construction Workshop |
81 |
Casting Workshop |
81 |
Surveying Workshop |
The aim of establishing research laboratories has been to make research in specialized and practical areas purposeful in a centralized way. Each research laboratory is managed by one or several faculty members and talented undergraduate and postgraduate students are involved in various goal-oriented teams in these laboratories. The following table presents the names of research laboratories at Sadjad University.
No. |
Name |
Manager(s) |
1 |
Internet of Things (IOT) |
Dr. Abbas Golmakan |
2 |
Sadjad Center for Non-Destructive Examinations (Sadjad CNDE) |
Dr. Kahrobaei and Dr. Ahadi Akhlaghi |
3 |
Energy Optimization Laboratory |
Dr. Ghayeni and Dr. Hassanpour |
4 |
Intelligent Systems |
Dr. Boshra Rajaei and Ms. Sommayeh Eslami |
5 |
Center of Productivity and Business Promotion |
Dr. Ibrahim Rezaei Nik |
6 |
Smart Signal Processing |
Dr. Amir Farid Aminian and Dr. Behzad Bakhtiyari |
7 |
Robotics and Intelligent Systems Laboratory |
Dr. Hadi Kalani and Dr. Najmeh Eqbal |
8 |
Encryption and Secure Communications |
Dr. Amir Masoud Aminian Modarres and Dr. Amir Farid Aminian Modarres |
9 |
Biotechnology and Tissue Engineering Laboratory |
Dr. Morteza Kafaie Rezavi |
10 |
Hidden Systems Laboratory |
Dr. Amir Bavafa Toosi |
11 |
Big Data and Data Fusion |
Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Salkhordeh Haghighi and Dr. Reza Shamsaei |
12 |
Integrated Circuits Design |
Dr. Hamidreza Rezaei Deh Sorkh and Dr. Nassim Ravan Shad |
13 |
Industrial Engineering and Management Laboratory |
Mr. Amirhossein Enzabati and Dr. Mohsen Bagheri |
14 |
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence |
Dr. Amin Noori |
15 |
Technical Office of Architecture and Urban Engineering |
Dr. Sara Rahmani, Dr. Elham Lashkari, Ms. Sommayeh Sharifzadeh, and Ms. Narges Ghavam Nasiri |
16 |
Battery Laboratory |
Dr. Yaser Mafi Nezhad |